Crowns are used to cover a damaged tooth to prevent more damage, especially if damaged from endodontic or cavity treatments. Crowns have a high solidity so they are usually used for molars.

After slightly grinding the surface of teeth (0.5-0.7mm), a nail-shaped porcelain laminate is put on it. This is useful for those who urgently need whitening, fast straightening, or fixing discolored teeth or open teeth. Lamination grinds down the tooth a little and makes your teeth look beautiful.

All Ceramic
Laminate treatment grinds only one surface but All Ceramic treatment covers all surfaces of a tooth. The next step is to make an artificial porcelain tooth with the desired color and the shape and cover your tooth with it entirely. Compared to the laminate treatment, it needs more grinding but it maintains its sturdiness and aesthetics. Especially, if your teeth are fragile or need more strength, this is your best option.

In the case of losing a tooth, more than two teeth around the gap are connected like a bridge. That is, teeth on either side of the empty space will be covered with a special cover and make an artificial tooth floating at the empty space. This is available when those nearby teeth, gums and support tissue are healthy and strong.

Artificial Teeth
It is connected artificial teeth that you can put in and out when a number of teeth are lost so that common dental prosthesis can't work. There are two kinds of false teeth, full-set type and partial type. The first one is the type for those who lost all of their teeth and put it on gum (jawbone). If bone is atrophied too much and false teeth move a lot, implant over